Jays Body Care Green Apple Conditioning Shampoo 500ml

Jays Body Care Green Apple Conditioning Shampoo 500ml
- Green apple mosturizes your scalp and in turn reduces dandruff and hairfall. It contains Vitamin C which adds lustre to your hair.
- Green Tea contains B vitamin(panthenol) which helps to control split ends and stregthen hair follicle. Green tea contains Dht blockes called 5 alpha - reductase. So it helps to stop one of the main cause of baldness
- Green Apple shampoo with Green tea helps to control splitends, softens , strengthenes your hair follicles making your scalp excessive oil free and refreshing your hair.
- All consumable products (Groceries and more) are available in Sherza Allstore, one of the best place to shop in Thimphu, Bhutan. We have both retail (Departmental store / Mart) and online sales channels. If you compare prices, its also one of the lowest in the market, after all it is a Public Limited Company.